Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 2 (April 19): Start Fresh!

Holy Week gives us a chance to start fresh. We all experience disappointment, setbacks, and trials over the course of the year. Reminding ourselves of God’s power becomes very easy during Holy Week. As we look back to the cross, we grasp a fresh perspective of the awesome power of God that raised Jesus from the dead. How much more so is God able to deliver us from any present adversity?

Holy Week stimulates faith. What I mean is, your time of reflection on the cross, the tomb, and the triumphant resurrection of Jesus evokes a fresh faith in God. This faith emboldens you to pursue a fresh start in any and every area where you feel your life is lagging behind the will of God.

Meditation is one of the spiritual disciplines you often don’t find being practiced in our fast paced society. Yet this art is biblical and powerful. Psalm One gives us the promise of meditating on God’s word. We are told that the one who does it, “…is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatsoever he does prospers.”

Before you end your day today, read and meditate—pause and consider—on the Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matt. 21:1-13). This entry marks the week before His death. As you read, stop periodically and ask yourself these probing questions:

► Why is the phrase “The Lord needs them” so powerful?
► Why did Jesus seem so care free though He had to face the cross?
► What area of your life do you need a fresh start?
► If Jesus trusted God, can you trust Him for a fresh start?

Let God’s power work through you this Easter by giving someone access to new life. Invite them to church!

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