Sunday, March 11, 2012

An Introduction to Moments that Impact - When Faith is Tested

Hello Friend,
I wanted to take another opportunity to invite you to my new website and blog featuring Moments that Impact, a video blog released 3 times a week designed to encourage you and transform your life. If you've enjoyed this segment, I encourage you to share this video with your friends.
May God richly bless you!

Visit today!!
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1 comment:

  1. what do you do when someone you love gives you the cold shoulder every time you go against them or their ideas. somebody whom you live together and you feel lie an intruder in your own home but when you suggest you move out, they clam up even more to the point of sickness and you have prayed, adjusted your life to please them and you know as a parent they should love you but you feel like you are an irritant to them, so you try to reach out and strike a casual conversation just to ease the tension around but they look at you and look away at the tv. what does faith say to do coz the pain of this rejection is depressing and i am trying to avoid ulcers. please advise coz God is silent to my prayer but if He wants me to keep on here then i will.


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