Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 12 (March 18): Are You a Slave?

Well, are you a slave? Before you answer the question, let me share this verse with you: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” (Prov. 22:7). Solomon used the strong word picture of slave to describe how one feels when there is a hefty financial obligation hanging over their head.

Our 40-day journey has taken us into the second 10-day phase, which is aimed at helping us break free from financial bondage. The passion to break free from financial slavery begins when you hate the fact that you’re being viewed as a slave.

This past weekend Pastor Brian Jacks and I preached on Gaining Control of Your Finances. The teaching brought out several important points including: Freedom from debt cannot occur if you are lazy with money matters. This point may be a zinger but it’s true.

To get out of debt, you have to have a crazy-like perspective concerning debt. You actually view debt as a dangerous enemy that has the capacity to destroy everything that’s precious to you including your family. You can’t play with an enemy! Sometimes to get out of debt you have to take a second job for a couple of months or a year or two. You have to view this new source of income as a “restricted fund.” It’s not for any other use than paying off bills. It is restricted! You can’t use it to go on vacation or buy that new sofa you’ve been longing for. That salary is to pay off bills. Period!

Paying down debt requires patience, persistence, and passion. These three qualities combat laziness while conquering debt. As you maintain patience and an attitude of persistence, your passion to get out of debt will see you through.

How do you motivate yourself to stay patient, persistent, and passionate about getting out of debt? Your post will encourage someone else to stay the course toward achieving debt-free living!

I will resume new postings to my blog on Monday, March 21st. See you at the weekend services. Come prepared to receive a powerful word that will inspire you to successfully complete our Financial Empowerment Journey!

1 comment:

  1. How do I stay passionate about getting out of debt? Because I have experienced that God’s principles and His promises don’t change. I have stayed disciplined because when I give, I don’t give to a man, or a building because these things are temporal. I give because it keeps my heart in alignment with God’s direction for my life and my spirit is more receptive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit…because God’s Word is faithful.

    Since 1995, when I accepted Jesus as Lord, I have been a consistent tither and regular giver of offerings. God has restored me emotionally, psychologically and spiritually and He has sustained me in good physical health. Around 2004, I participated in the Christ Church Financial Peace University seminars (similar to the Financial Empowerment Journey) and cut up my credit cards, gave myself a cash allowance each paycheck and stopped using ATMs. Little did I know at the time that the discipline I was learning to practice would prepare me to thrive when our nations economy went belly up.

    Once again Christ Church is gathering its people and addressing financial issues. The financial issue is much bigger than us as a church. It is about learning to thrive in a different kind of US economy.


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