Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 3 (March 9): Honor Your Word!

One of the beautiful things about reading God’s word is that we gain a ton of free advice that can be applied to our daily lives. For example, Solomon says: “It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it” (Eccl. 5:5). Honoring our word as it relates to keeping financial commitments is extremely important. Apart from the obvious reasons of integrity, ethics, and morality that are associated with keeping your word, we learn that there are also financial implications.

After this Sunday’s sermon on The Enemy Called DEBT, a lady approached me exuding with excitement. She announced: “Pastor, this word is so timely. I just got a job after a year of being unemployed. I can now pay my bills. In fact, one of my creditors is threatening to sue me.” I congratulated her on the new job and quickly offered this advice. "Write a letter to your creditor indicating that you were unemployed but recently landed a job. Indicate your intention to resume payment by such and such date. I believe that this action will avoid the expense battle of a lawsuit and keep your credit from any further damage.”

Just because you owe a bill is no reason to throw away or suspend your integrity. Contact your creditor providing them with clear instructions as to the minimum you can make given your financial situation. This practice recognizes that Ecclesiastes 5:5 must be honored.

Some financial advisors even counsel that you should contact your creditor if you know you are going to lose your job due to a layoff, etc. At that time you can even press them for a lower interest rate or a better payment plan in order to ensure there’s no disruption in your making the payment.

Post your story of how you were able to reduce your debt because you honored your vow. Or, tell us how you felt because you honored your financial commitment. It’s neat to hear how God backs His word when we dare to believe Him.


  1. Having been on my own since I was 18, I had to financially foot the bill for all of my college education. I had loans from both my bachelors and masters degree. A friend of mine worked at Citibank. He sat down with me one day and said "look, you tell the bank what you can pay," given your current economic status . . . believe me, they will honor what you can pay, if you are consistent. It worked!

  2. Pastor God honored His Word: At an all night prayer session Christ Church, two years ago, the prophetic word was released of getting out of debt and I remembered it hit me in my belly. I and two other ladies received it at the same time as we lifted our hands in agreement.
    A few weeks later I honored my word and contacted a Christian Counseling Service at C.C. and was able to honor my word to God, to myself, and to the creditors and paid off my credit card debt in full.

  3. Beloved: Having a passion to get out of debt is the first step to becoming debt free! Good for you! This is what this journey is all about!


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